Source Code

Microsoft Answer

A technically correct, but completely useless answer, usually given by supervisors. The usual, and correct response, is to wish your supervisor's parents had never met.

"Man, I went and asked the boss about whether or not we'd be covered for an accident when we're dropping off the night deposit. All she said was, 'well, deposits have to be made nightly' Talk about a Microsoft Answer!!"

by Zach54880 April 28, 2008

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Microsoft Word

A piece of shit word-processing program that lets you create text documents... but before you do, it'll auto-edit (incorrectly, that is) your words, grammar, while sometimes it just wants to auto-format your work when you don't want it to. Mis-clicked anything? Highlighted some text? Well, for some mysterious reason, it'll move it to another text file because it's a flaming piece of crap. This is from Microsoft, people! Multi-billion dollar computer company! It can't even create a reliable word processing program!

I just want to create an essay! Don't fuckin' change my text font size to 10! Fucking shit! I don't want Arial, you flaming pile of horse shit, Times New Roman you mother fuckin' shitrag!

What the fuck? NO, I just want to fucking add an image!

5 MB!? Are you fucked?

Asshole! Get off my screen you obnoxious paper clip! Fuck!

Microsoft Word? More like "Microsoft Fucks You". FUCK.

by Babababaasascscvdgbdrv November 22, 2009

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Microsoft Windows

1. AKA Microsloth Winblows
2. A thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor which was written by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.

I use Microsloth Winblows...errr I mean Microsoft Windows

by Malice September 17, 2003

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The actual time it takes to download or install data as opposed to the time estimation given in the progress-bar dialog that accompanies the process.

According to this dialog, it will only take two more minutes to install the program. (Five minutes later) The program has to update. Now it says it will take another ten minutes to finish installation. Those are not real minutes; those are Microsoft-minutes!

by Michael Gaston May 13, 2012

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Microsoft Anna

A Text-to Speech program for Vista

She claims she is better than Microsoft Sam, but, unfortunetly, like MS, she can't say certain words.

Microsoft Sam: That's it! I am going to get my Roflcopter!

Microsoft Anna: Ha ha ha what is an R o fel copter?

MS: Oh my god you can even say roflcopter.

by Lord Orga April 9, 2010

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Microsoft VC

The first Microsoft product that doesn't suck.

When Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck, it will be when they start making vacuum cleaners. Finally, Microsoft came up with a product that doesn't suck. Introducing Microsoft VC, the first Microsoft product that does not suck the big one.


by Andreas Belivanakis March 31, 2007

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microsoft edge

Microsoft edge is proof that microsoft hates Internet Explorer

Microsoft Edge is like Internet Explorer, but fast

by Squirrel719 June 21, 2015

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