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swag momma

A girl that is the sexiest person in the room and everyone knows it just by her sheer presence

"Bro that girls a swag momma"

by Monkeyman__D1 February 2, 2016

big momma

big momma from hungry shark world

Joe: Yo did you get big momma?
Candice: Yeah man! Watch this.

by JoeCandiceNuts March 5, 2022

Your Momma

A joke that weird people who were neglected as a child use on Roblox. These people are to be avoided since they are highly likely to be a douche-bag with horrible insults that seem like he or she was sniffing pig ass before they said "Your Momma". These idiots were probably ditched by their parents to get the milk and dont deserve any attention.

Bates said "Your momma is so fat she brought a spoon to the super bowl"

"I believe he was neglected as a child"

by OmgYouAreGayINeverKnew October 21, 2022

Jo momma

Jo momma is a phase to insult your friends mum

Cool kid: hey whats ur mums name

Not cool kid:jo
Cool kid : JO MOMMAA

by Harvey mamma June 10, 2021

Pimp Momma

Pimp Momma is da momma of all dem worthy ho. "Dere" exist only one pimp momma in dis universe and she "reside" in da island of Hawaii.

I seen many a pimp momma in my life but dis one is my faaa da finest ...sheeeaatttt

by Deho April 12, 2006

Ya momma

Literally when ya momma is used , it just means " aye we finna joke around with each other" but it doesn't actually hurt your feelings cause its a joke

Bob:aye bro ya momma so fat I started watching season one of spongebob and now its season 12
Billy:that was pretty dope man nice one

by Lycanace March 16, 2019

Coochie momma

A girl that makes you go GYAT zamn, she is your queen and you must do everything for her because she’s your chip sugar mama

There goes my coochie momma

by Coochiemommasboy33 April 23, 2022