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An unnecessary decoration that adds nothing to the functionality of an object. Possibly working-class London (U.K.) in origin. Normally prefaced with the world 'old'.

Typical sentence is "Don't worry about the broken bit, Derek. It was just a bit of old moody."

by Dogtrumpet November 29, 2022


The 8th dwarf.

Used when referring to someone who acts annoyed with you just for talking.

"Cristian seems really annoyed by everything Erin is doing"

"Yeah, he is real moody."

by Amelia9 September 28, 2023


Moody is a person who switches there moods very fast.

pablo: your moody today
nikki thicky: Whozers buster

by LeThickChick June 24, 2019


This man gives the best penis due to his constant bullshark testosterone injections.

That man is gives the best cock he is a Chad one might say just like moody

by BigSnicker February 14, 2022


Moody is a intelligent boy who has set goals for the future. Moody is a handsome boy who is mostly likely to end up with women that start with the letter “K”. Moody is Loving and caring to family and friends and more. If you have a person named Moody never end up leaving their side cause they’ll always be there for you.

Moody is a loving person.

by nottoocooldude July 8, 2022


I narrow minded moron with a small brain capacity and an even smaller penis. Widely regarded as the worst 2k player to ever play and has an incapability of passing the ball to his teammates. Synonyms include Retard, moron and stupid-bitch.

You are a fucking moody

by A-“Moody” March 22, 2020


when you have a mood that's so relatable you get a comment about it

oh ok that's moody

by silvxrcat's definitions February 23, 2021