Also known as a mook. Mookie is a term of endearment for a "spliff bowl", where cannabis and tobacco are smoked together. This is usually (and trust me, most preferably) a bong.
Ima take a few more mookies and then Ill catch up with yall. Unless, you wanna sesh real quick?
Short for moo cow you fat bitch
Shut your mouth you fuckin Mookie
A very unintelligent individual.
lol it’s funny cause you’re a Mookie.
the annoying kid in MKW Mogi Lounge who does the things the older players are doing but doesn't know what they mean or ends up being cringey about it.
smelly mogi main: holy shit mookie is 9????
everyone: wtf
a term used at newtown high school to say you feel out of it
bro sabrina is so mookie! she had one too many rips!
A bump bump you get on yo lip from a kiss or sexual encounter. Similar to a cold sore.
I would give you a sip of my drink but you got that mookie on yo lip. Lol
Girl this man tried to kiss me and had a mookie on his lip!
(Moo-key) Mookie is when a gay person asks very girlish and not normal.
Andrew(Gay) OmG giRl yOu nEEDt Tay see what happened today 😭
Danel (gay) stop acting so mookie 😩
Ashley (straight) yeah Fr (for real) stop !