An undercover motivator is someone who acts like he hates his job but secretly loves it. Usually military, police, or fire department personal.
Tom acts like he hates this job but c’mon we all know he is loves it. Just an undercover motivator!
Being a lightskin
He woke up just to show off his abs, that’s lightskin motivations
Motivational Lizard is a sex move, where one sex partner encourages their other partner to keep having sex with them by dressing up as a light-purple lizard with yellow spots. After dressing up as the lizard, the sex partner starts to recite the Motivational Lizard video from Youtube, and this usually results in the other partner breaking down into joyfully crying, or them being determined to last longer in bed.
Richard: Hey, Blark. My wife gave me a Motivational Lizard last night.
Blark: Oh, that's good. I gave my wife a Wrech-It Ralph last night.
absolute banger of a party the best night of ur life
“trippers lit motive was so chill”
The thing that makes someone feel murdery
When my mom said some snarky bullshit, I started to feel murdery, so I murdered her. Her snarky bullshittery was my motive.
Whether a motive is clear or unclear, cops know that somebody has to be motivated to have a motive, that's why they came up with a motive to call it. If it were lazy people doing the killing, it would be called something else, probably something like an unmotive. Possible unmotives might be the guy stole my doritos or smoked my last cigarette, and he knew deep down that he deserved it.
It wouldn't be a motive without the motivation to do it.