Source Code

National Security

An excuse for the government to ignore the constitution. (We all want to be β€˜safe’ don’t we?)

Despite the 5th amendment, the Iraqi and Afgan prisoners were denied a fair trial in the name of national security.

by NewspeakDictionary>UrbanDictionary October 25, 2004

109πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

national bohemian

Maryland’s pride and joy, as far as beer goes at least. Brewed along with its brethren Colt 45 by Baltimore’s own National Brewery in the late 19th century, Mr. Boh symbolizes the best of everything Baltimore. Unfortunately National Brewery went out of business shortly after the Second World War. "Natty-Boh" and Colt still exist today however, brewed by Pabst Blue Ribbon. Boh is only distributed to Maryland and very limitedly to southern Pennsylvania. Continues to be the quintessential crab beer and Baltimore high school students best choice for an excellent tasting, inexpensive beer. Foreigners will never understand the significance of that little one eyed pimp on the side of the can/bottle and hopefully things will continue to be this way. Bmore what up!

Simply, The sight of 17 year olds strolling out of a liquor store, each carrying their own 12pack of Boh.

"Hey man your making a run, pick me up a 12 of Boh."

by dee loc May 3, 2005

50πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Slut Nation

Slut Nation is a word that describes females in general. "All girls are sluts, except my mom."

Slut Nation ranges from the occasional slut, who will maybe get with you after the third date...to the super slut who will fuck you before she knows your name. The origin of Slut Nation came about during an annual beer pong tournament in Arizona that consisted of a 10 girl team. Their drunk Captain didn't know all of the their names and while cheering them on dubbed them all sluts...then decided to shout Slut Nation at innocent bystanders.
Slut Nation was born.

"Ugh, those guys were not worth the way I feel this morning...I totally pulled a Slut Nation." <=Direct quote from a slut.

by Cuntsuela July 9, 2011

25πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

zulu nation

one nation under the hip hop culture.
the combination of break dancing, rapping, graffiti, and scratching.

Yo nigga, you part of the zulu nation?

by Bliss aka Jmo July 13, 2008

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Nation Business

Illegal acts such as drug dealing or robbery in order to make large amounts of money.

Aye how you get all that quap?

Just nation business bruh.

by gmoney bitch October 1, 2018

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Procrastination Nation

A nation full of procrastination

"How is your class's progress?"
"Its procrastination Nation; Nothing has been done!'

by Queen Levine January 22, 2009

29πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Siggas Nation

The people & fans of D'Andre Siggas (Dcigs) who is an up and coming comedian and will be big in a few years to come.Catch him on JTV.

"Your in Siggas Nation son"

by scouser09 February 2, 2009

245πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž