Source Code


Occasional cunt disorder

That girl has OCD

by Crazy mimi April 18, 2023


Organized Crime Division

All right, let's get some
OCD techs on this case right away.

by Angel0987654321 August 27, 2018


A disability causing you to make everything perfect and amazing.

Since I’m ocd, I love getting rid of dirty spots.

by Oldman43233 April 24, 2022


OCD stands for On-Crack-Daily. Someone who uses crack on a daily basis, in other words, a crackhead/junkie

Since Tom has moved into this new area, he's become OCD
Serena is so skinny, she looks like she's OCD
You're OCD, dude

by it's972 July 24, 2016


A genuine disorder causing destructive/ obsessive thoughts and compulsions. This often results in ritualistic or repetitive behaviours until something feels 'right'. This is an anxiety disorder and NOT the same as being picky or particular about things being neat and tidy, even though disorderly things can be a trigger for ocd tendencies.
Saying you are "so ocd" or "that really sets of my ocd" extremely annoying and you more likely have copd (obsessive compulsive personality disorder).
If you genuinely thing you have ocd and want help, talk to your GP and don't be an annoying twat.

person a: "omg that really triggers my ocd."

person b: "please just stop, you don't have it."

by blippityblop July 14, 2020


Oversized Cock Disorder.
OCD requires at least a 10-inch penis.

Big indeed.

Bro, I think I have OCD. My dick is super big

by Themidgetsmasher December 1, 2021


means an obsessive compulsive dickhead

omg god his such an OCD

by 98089787 April 17, 2019