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October 17

National fuck joe day. GO FUCK JOE....MAMA

Billy hall fucked joe mamma so hard on October 17

by billy joe nibba October 17, 2019

October 17

Kiss ur best friend on the hand day

Walk up to them and kiss their hand Only on October 17

by Louisa county High school October 16, 2019

October 17

National kiss your tru lover day. Even if you have a boyfriend give who you really love a kiss

Yo, did you here about Matthew. He gave his crush a kiss on October 17 and his gf broke up w him.

by AdamMcphee October 17, 2019

October 17

National Kiss Day

kiss people as it’s a big day

“dude did kiss that girl”
“yeah it’s National Kiss Day October 17”

by yourrr38373892 October 16, 2019

October 17

Is national no homo day!! Which means you can act as gay as you want and can not be called gay!

Damn daddy u fine asf you can ask gay on October 17

by Shots_rip October 18, 2019

October 17

Sex talk to your male best friend

Hey there cutie it’s October 17

by jiley jeej October 18, 2021

october 17

fuck bitches get money

its october 17 lets go fuck bitches and get money

by october 17 October 16, 2019