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pond life

a group of stupid mindles dope smokers whos favourite pass time is sittin saying RANDOM and admiring pointless dutch entertainers

jeffels pete steve patta chris and all the other twunts who inhabit scarborough

by martyn and leo April 16, 2004

17👍 20👎

Pond Protector

A Pond Protector is someone who obsessively protects a private or neighborhood pond. You will most likely see them spying on unrecongnised fishers or running a cars plates.

Person 1: That guy just kicked out another person from the pond!
Person 2: I know, hes such a pond protector.

by nolany April 12, 2023

Pee pond

When a guy urinates on a girl's chest while she squeezes her boobs together to form a puddle of fresh pee; a pee pond!

My chest is warm because of that awesome pee pond

by TheFlyingMeatball July 24, 2017

Log Pond

When a group of gay dudes (usually cav scouts) all take a shit in one toilet without flushing and leave it. All the semen and turds float on top making it look like a log pond at a mill.


Aw damn, I have to clean the latrines?? They left a fucking log pond in there Sergeant!

by BlackKnight0814 January 9, 2022

the frog pond

A code name for a place older men go to "hangout" and have group sex. Men can be homosexual, bisexual, or simply heterosexuals experimenting with other men. Referred to as the frog pond so that not to cause suspicion with wives, friends, family, and others. Also see Lemon Party.

"Hey Larry, are you going to the frog pond later?"
"Yeah ;) , my wife thinks I'm going to a meeting. I heard someone is bringing an entire drum of lubrication"

by JiggyWiggy69 March 15, 2016

Pond robber

A French person/someone who is learning French.

Hi pond robber!

by GarlicBreadSoup June 29, 2022

pond mao

a huge noob. biggest noob alive. needs to stop noobing so much and get friends.

dude... hes such a pond mao at world of warcraft

by nomnomnom319843201 June 1, 2010