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Adjective: what to say when your shocked

Noun: what to say when you don’t know what to say

Hey John! I got a new puppy and I named him Bubbles!

*John replies* β€œOof” because he was shocked to hear John named his puppy Bubbles

by Karebear123 July 25, 2018

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A word you use when you're surprised or when you don't know what to say.

Oof that's awful dude.

by Oofie_Doofie234 September 11, 2019

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oof can be used as a term to express interest, while not being interested in the topic at all.
in other words, the most useful word in the english vocabulary.

1: my grandma got hit by a car today.
2: oof.

by terrobite October 29, 2018

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Roblox sound


by ilovec** February 2, 2019

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A word that is mainly used when somebody trips and falls. It is more commonly used by girls when they fall on their face. It translates to qianbi in chinese

1. "Ack! OOF"

2. "Oof. Just fell flat on my face."

by Aurora Cecile Johnston December 26, 2011

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An expression exerted from the mouth after a person has experienced severe pain to themselves or has seen pain been dealt to someone else

John: *gets hit in the face by a tumble dryer*
Humphrey: OOF

by RandolphGandolph69 July 15, 2018

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Very cringey word used by many cringey teenagers that act like 2 year olds. Mainly used by β€œthose girls” who think they’re cool but are really not.

Oof. He just got roasted.

by turntfather April 6, 2018

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