(Doosh feyz)
1. A period of time in which a new skill is being acquired, and you look like a douche trying to figure out how to do it.
2. That part of life, often referred to as adolescence in which one becomes oblivious to the thoughts and feelings of others, have little control over emotions or body responses and sometimes becomes unable to speak, especially in the presence of pretty girls. Though this is a frequently temporary condition, but can lead to more serious conditions (...see douche).
douche phasing
1. The act of being in a douche phase.
1. "Oh my god, I'm in such a douche phase right now trying to learn how to tie my shoes. I should have learned this when I was in kindergarten with the rest of my shoes. Curse you velcro!!!!!!"
2. "That guy is totally in a douche phase. He just came up to me and drooled on my shoe and walked away. OMFG!"
1. "Holy crap, I am douche phasing so hard right now on GTA. WTF is wrong with me!?!?"
Streaming Not a phase:
• cleared my skin
• made my grades higher
• cured my depression
• made me meet my dad again
Person 1: Omg I am so failing this test tomorrow
Person 2: Don’t worry, just stream not a phase
When a sibling still snitches on you and acts like a brat.
Brother: hey sister do you want to say curse words with me?
Sister: mom! Brother is cursing
Brother: you are in the snitching phase
A girl that every single guy has had a crush on at one point or another. Commonly found in large friend groups. Phase girls are known to be unconventionally beautiful and are extremely charismatic, making everyone like them. Usually have a great personality. Phase boys also exist.
Omg dude I think I like Karen.
Don't worry dude, she's a phase girl, we've all liked her.
Oh damn, I guess I have competition then. :(
The phase in a young girl's life where she is obsessed with the ocean. She will research about mermaids, search up spells to become one on google, search for mermaid sightings on youtube, crave the ocean, write diary entries about how she longs for the sea, etc. This phase usually occurs in girls around the ages of 9-11 (but this can vary) and will leave them with a permanent love for the ocean throughout their life. This is one of the most special phases a girl can go through. Girls who have gone through a mermaid phase as a child have a consciousness that's on another level. They are special women today that as adults are open-minded, kind, down to earth, sensitive, empathetic, curious, and insightful.
I remember when I had my mermaid phase. One time I searched up transformation spells on google and was going to recite one in the moonlight by my backyard pool. But I didn't want to worry my family since I would have to live in the pool, so I never did it.
Back in my mermaid phase I planned on running away from home in the middle of the night to go to the ocean, but was nervous about leaving my family.
When I was going through my mermaid phase I would write diary entries about how I craved the ocean and how it was pulling me in.
A Facebook profile that is loaded with a picture timeline of someone's changes of styles, hair or face
Guy 1:Damn ,Bryan when through a bad Facebook phase during high school
Guy 2:So I've heard
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When a blonde women of about 12-15 years old undergoes a stage of where she is very incompetent and stupid...
You must be going through a blonde phase..
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