A scrape who scrapes in with his but chin clearing his way with his T. rex shaped hunchback
Guy” did u catch the game yesterday “
Gus “ oh yea it was good”
Guy 2 “ did they teach you how to scrape in at pilgrims
Using the bathroom in an old fashioned manner, specifically without a cellphone, tablet, or other electronic device as a means of entertainment.
"My phone and tablet are both out of batteries, and my gameboy is out of batteries. Time to do some pilgrim squatting."
From morality and moral values to amorality ans atheism
When you have Massachusetts having topless individuals selling you pot you know you've gone from Pilgrims to Pot. To hell in a handbasket.
A delicious Thanksgiving dessert, which originated in Florida as a substitute for cannibalism. Though it is advertised as being made from authentic Mayflower pilgrims, it is actually just canned chowder with a fake label.
My family is making turducken, cranberries, and Canned Pilgrims for our Thanksgiving feast.
Olivia and avneet on a date at pizza pilgrims in canary wharf
Let's go pizza pilgrims with avneet and oli9
when you get eloped with a minor similar to the character, Scott Pilgrim from the self titled series
to pull a scott pilgrim: "when you get eloped with a minor similar to the character, Scott Pilgrim from the self titled series "
Person 1: "hey did you see John's new girlfriend? The 17 year old?"
Person 2: "yeah, I think they met at his sister's highschool graduation party"
Person 1: "he really pulled a scott pilgrim"