To look in a woman's purse while it's open to see what kind of things she has in there.
Allison: Your sister takes a lot of perscription drugs!
Kris: How do you know that?
Allison: I was being a purse voyeur.
Food stored in a carrying satchel, such as a puse, carrying bag or luggage, eaten at later time.
I found this purse food, think it's from taco bell last Friday.
Someone who is "tight with money" or a "cautious spender". He/she doesn't part with their money easily. This person (usually a female) may spend money on a quality item that is viewed to be worth the price. The term Silver Purse is thought to be English or Scottish origin.
There's no way she'll buy us a round of drinks, she has the silver purse.
When someone unintentionally calls you on their cell phone while it is still in their purse. Usually the result of digging around their purse or putting something in it, which results in unintentionally speed dialing a person. The person on the other end can usually hear garbled conversations either live in person or on voicemail for an undefinite period of time that can be lengthy.
Hey, I think you just purse called me. Please hang up your phone so that I'm not spying on your conversations.
v. Any punishment or retaliation meted out by a woman who feels slighted or harmed. It can be a verbal, emotional or physical response but is generally rapidly administered.
If Trump disses Hillary one more time he is going to engender a terrific purse-smacking.
When you’ve eaten more than your fair share of pizza at someone else’s house after a long night of drinking and it’s time to leave, but you want more pizza, so you shove a couple pieces in your purse on the way out.
I’m so wasted. How long until we’re home? Want some purse pizza?
Noun. A female's vagina. "Sunday" because it is a female's best purse; her special purse.
"She contracted gonorrhea and had green stuff all up in her Sunday Purse".