a gang on an arma 3 roleplay who consists of angry brittish kids on the internet.
oi kid you're getting slapped by the rouge nation.
The last name guy who loves a hard dick, and will do anything to join the local nazi club.
Did you hear that Roug ate a dick so he could join the nazi club.
when the girl sucks the dick after fucking while on her period, and she had her lips painted
i realized when I saw her mouthlin rouge, that she was on her period
To be screwed over.
To have ones time waisted.
To be treated unfairly.
The experience of having a company destroy ones faith in humankind.
Getting Rouged slogan:
“What's better than a vacation?
LESS vacation.
That's why we created Air Canada Rouge, to help make the least of your cherished days off in every way we can. Our Air Canada Rouge experience is designed with the lack of care your vacation deserves – from uncharming service and poor prices, to lack of reliability, discomfort and no rewards. So whether it's an impromptu long weekend or a weeklong escape… your vacation will be delayed the moment you step on board.”
I got ROUGED so hard last week! I turned up on time but my AirCanada Rouge flight was overbooked ! They left my wife, infant, and I stranded in Nunavut with no hotel and no next flight for three days !