"Perhaps part of their attitude comes from the problem that scenesters have begun to feel threatened about their culture being jeopardized because of a sort of trickle down effect. The internet is permitting easy access for anyone who would want to don scene-esque style and jump right in to a culture that scenesters feel they have built from the ground up and developed into a complex lifestyle. However, this lends many to get caught up in popularity contests in local areas as well as on the world wide web. Unfortunately, this can also lead to rifts in scenes. Groups of hardcore scenesters start "crews," often characterized by fierce brotherhood to the point of violence against others who are unlike them or who are in other crews."
This definition is added to recognize the fact that even though Punks and Scenesters are not similar in anyway, Punk is what built all of this from the ground up, and Scenesters don't realize that they as a group have also contributed to "posuerism- for lack of better or real words that would describe this" and have torn down the original and much more real and complex LIFESTYLE of Punks.
A punk is someone not easily categorized since someone who is a punk tends to have control issues and lives outside of the system, the system being words used by society, and created by the government. So in all reality a TRUE punk is unexplainable. Scene kids all over have portrayed and even called themselves punk "which they are not because they live in more of a bullshit system than most of society does" emo, goth, scene, rocker, and all other stereotypes within that category have all contributed to the near extinction of real punks. The reason i say this being that all of teen society was mad when they couldn't categorize a punk in any other word because punks in fact are so unique that there was no other word. "which punks themselves didnt even use" Teens were pissed off when they couldn't effectively imitate a "punk" that they made , goth, rocker, emo, scene, and all other stereo types within that sub-category, and told the rest of blinded society that they were in fact.....the "new" punks. This is the reason all scene kids, emo kids, goth kids, emo-scene-goth-fag-hardcore kids are indeed...Posers
Hey shit heads you wanna go fuck that little scene fag up?
Well fuck yeah ,no shit.
"Sorry if you thought this definition was unfair to some or most, but in the process of writing this i grew more and more angry with the fact that you all tore down something that was going to bring the government down to the level it needs to be....Below the people."
9๐ 27๐
Scene girls:
-Listens to hardcore and goes to all the shows
-Any band YOU haven't heared of is cool in her book.
-Cuts her own hair terribly but she likes it that way.
-Always adding new colors to her crazy hair.
-Is original.
-Because it's the "cool" thing.
-Tight clothes.
-Bright colours.
-Simple patterns:stripes,checkers, poka dots,Stars,Zebra...
-Loves to look cheap.
-Plastic jewlery.
-White Studded Belt
-Wears little kid things.
-Little boy things are even better.
-Loves dinosaurs,robots, zombies,unicorns,toy bears...
-Loves murder,blood, death,ambulances,guns...
-Band shirts/sweaters/pins/ keychains/underwear/EVERYTHING
-Straight edge!
Scene boys:
-Listens to hardcore and goes to all the shows
-Any band YOU haven't heared of is cool in his book.
-Cuts his own hair terribly but he likes it that way.
-Always adding new colors to his crazy hair.
-Is original.
-Because it's the "cool" thing.
-Tight clothes.
-White studded belt.
-Bright colours.
-Loves to look cheap.
-Plastic jewlery.
-Bows in hair.
-Wears little kid things.
-Little girl things are even better.
-Loves dinosaurs,robots, zombies,unicorns,toy bears...
-Loves murder,blood, ambulances,guns,bangbang we know..
-Band shirts/sweaters/ pins/keychains/ underwear/EVERYTHING
-People think theyre homosexual.
-But they don't mind.
-Straight edge!
--Emo kid offers scene kid a joint--
Scene kid: Lyyykuh oooh MYY gawwwd EEEEW!! Im StraightEdgeCore!! What are you doing?!
--Stoned Emo kid laughs histericly--
6๐ 17๐
A word on urban dictionary that has definitions that make me naseaus. And a confusing word too. From what I'm gathering it's like emo... but... not emo... and apperantly "scene kids" use funny words that confuse the crap out of me. lmao.
I'm gonna say it's pretty much a confusing word that has no actual meaning, just a bunch of meaning some losers with no life came up with. (I'm refering to myself too. lmao)
Scene kid: *speaks the dialog I don't understand*
Me: What???
Scene kid: *continues*
Me: WHAT?!?!
Some random definition makeer: A scene kid is a *rants*
Me: WHAT?!?!
4๐ 10๐
The word said when a person wears clothing with bright colors and listens to bands such as: All time low, Forever the sickest kids,3oh!3, ect. Other articles of clothing may be, shutter shades, tight pants, and Nike 6.0's. To become 'scene' people may shop at stores like zoomies, metro park, and sometimes hot topic.
Hey guys!
yo whats up?
nothing much, did u guys see that scene kid at lunch today?
Yea i was almost blinded by his All time low shirt!
1๐ 1๐
From my experience, stereotypical scene kids you see on the internet look way different than they do in real life. I have a good scene girl friend (she says she isn't anymore, but her appearance says otherwise.) who looks competely different. They wear Japanese kid-show backpacks with bright jackets with metalcore band shirts. (WTF?) Others will wear baggy hoodies with super-skinny jeans and huge colorful, hightop DC/Nike shoes. Hair colors aren't specific, because they're always changing. They're always multicolored and bright though. You'll see them in the mall with big headphones around their necks. Music includes dubstep, crunkcore, screamo/metalcore and nu-metal. Hollywood Undead and BrokeNCYDE are favorites. They type with excessive faces like O.O and :3. They can actually be pretty cool, but the rest are weird and annoying. Alot of them aren't hot like they are on the internet. Scene boy fashions include tight jackets with tighter band shirts and skinny jeans. They go to local venues to hang out. If you want to see one, go there. If they think of you as cool they'll walk up and start talking to you (thank GOD this hasn't happened to me yet). If they do play small talk and walk away, they won't leave you alone.
At a venue: "Great show!" "I know!..hey, look at those scene kids texting in a circle on the floor."
1๐ 1๐
Scene is a girl or boy who acts and dresses in a way to look cute and childish. Usually has a myspace,facebook eg. And looks like this.
-Hair long or short messy and conntails with added color for fun
-Cute T-shirts that show child hood eg. Hello Kitty,Robots...
-Usernames is always a cute or hardcore name like XxDINO girl PAIGExX or XxGabby_ish so_HxCxX
- Skinny jeans or ballet tu tus
- Wears flats chucks and Uggs.
All of this is so scene.
1๐ 1๐
Another word for what used to be emo; minus the cutting wrists and depression. In other words, a cover-up of a new, more arrogant lifestyle. Scene kids usually wear super-tight jeans, shop at stores like hot topic and thrift stores, and wear thick eyeliner. They speak in chatspeak (aka: LYK OMG! UR NEW HURR IS THE S3X BBY! <333) They have a big ego, but the pit is the only place they belong. Well, the guys at least. They dance hardcore in the moshpit, flailing their arms in an angry rage. The girls, however, usually stand to the side and headbang, until they get whiplash and cry " OMG MY NECK H3RTS FRUM ALL THAT H34D BaNG!N9 LAST N!TE!!!!!11!!" That is pretty much scene kids in a nutshell.
bleedingxscene- Y3S BBY IT WAS THE SECKS!
ixluvxdinosawrsxoxo- L3TS SP00N (: (: (:
bleedingxscene- OK BBY EYE ELL WHY!!! <3333333
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