A bruised vulva resulting from a Donkey Punch maneuver.
Clementine: Bocephus, I got me a shiny donkey after that loving Donkey Punch last night. Hot damn!
Laying flat on your back, knees bent pointed upwards with your feet flat. Your partner gives you a rimjob while humming your favorite song, using your toes as a piano.
My girlfriend was so pissed at me after telling her mom on our vacation she learned how to play the shiny piano. She has been trying to explain it for thirty minutes. I cant stop laughing.
When a person has a sparkly knee. often seen on a white boy.
Damn that Charlie gubbins has the shiniest knee, it was just so noticeable during gym class. shiny knee is- a knee that is radiating
Shiny smile is a smile someone gives you out of pity. Not a real smile; a fake one.
She gave me a shiny smile when she saw my missing finger.
The act of someone hacking shiny pokémon into a game while taking a fat shit so they won't be judged.
Example of Shiny Shitting:
John: See Jerry over there, i bet he's a shiny shitter.
Antonio: Absolutely he is, have you seen his party?
A voracious creature naturally bald and an extremely deadly swimmer. When not devouring noobs in the pool, Lil' Shiny's can often be found on couches with a large tub of macaroni and cheese. They enjoy mini speedos, raving, and staking out the nearest couch. If you ever happen to encounter one in the pool through macaroni at it quickly get out of the water.
I was swimming in the pool when a Lil' Shiny blew by me at around 234 miles per hour. Luckily I had my Lil' Shiny repellent on me (box o' macaroni) and I got away.
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When you yanky your wanky at night then go to bed, wake up and the tip of your cockadoodledoo is shiny.
Boy: Babe I have shiny head
Girl: Hoky shit I can see myself!
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