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Shredding Plastic

"vaping right?"
"yeah, vaping"

Yo, we shredding plastic rn?

by walmu May 23, 2022

Load Shredding

Refer to "Load Shedding", in South Africa, we get power cuts because of lack of maintenance on the power stations.

When you're working from home, and you have Stage 6 Load Shedding, so you can't work because your laptop dies and your internet connection drops. So you grab your mountain bike and go "Load Shredding"

Work colleague: "Hey man, power's been off since 10am, and load shedding is scheduled till 4pm, what you up to?"
Me: "Yeah Bro same, I've already racked up my bike, gonna go hit the trails and do some 'Load Shredding'"
Work Colleague: "Yeah man, 'Load Shredding' sounds good, meet you there."

by Munchk1n February 23, 2023

Shred face

The unintentional weird and often humorous face(s) one makes whilst engaging in a mentally strenuous activity. Most often used in reference to the face a guitarist makes while "shredding".

Dude, your shred face is hilarious. You look you're trying to mouth words and your bottom lip keeps twitching. Do you need to blink that much?

by Trogdor90 May 22, 2017

shred mom

A form of soccer mom found on the snowy slopes of North America.

Did you see that shred mom assualt that man who yelled at the kid to move out of the drop.

by Stalefisherman March 24, 2016

Shred the grain

To go against the grain so hard that it is metaphorically reduced to shreds. Only accomplished through a groundbreaking act of badassery.

Quinn: "Man, Jake, you shred the grain so hard last night!"
Jake: "I jumped over a garbage can, dude"
Quinn: "I KNOW! You STG'd to the max!"

by TheJanePlane June 5, 2017

Shred on the Yoinky

Refers to the action of either playing difficult music, typically on a string instrument, or to masturbate.

"Guess what I did last night?"
"No, I was had shred on the Yoinky for hours."

by ImpossiblePath January 6, 2021

Shred on the yoinky

1) To masturbate aggressively
2)Playing difficult music on an instrument

"Yo did you shred on the yoinky last night"

by Yoinkyshredder69 January 6, 2021