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Prabhjot Singh Bhatia

You call someone a Prabhjot Singh Bhatia when they have the following characteristics: The person was very well performing and everything was going very great.... or so it was seen by others. In reality this person's real persona was being hidden. His parents' ambitions kept pushing him beyond his limits until he couldn't. This was the fall from grace and dawn of the Psychosis. Now his promising future is gone and he is reduced to a vegetable 200kg liability.

Sean: Argh! I have to finish this assignment as fast as my body will let me!
Dorothy: Don't be so hard on yourself else you'd become a Prabhjot Singh Bhatia!

by ThaVoido August 4, 2022

Shyam Meera Singh

a novice youtuber, a big flirt and a congress biscuit addict. Best defined as "Shyam Meera Meetha hai"

Shyam Meera Singh

by Mrs_Raavan_ February 7, 2023

gurpreet singh gill

The absolute mad lad. The enforcer, conquerer, toucher. Clash of Clans player (town hall 7). He is a tank, of superior quality, once you meet this man you will never be satisfied with anyone else. He is an absolute Ooga Booga or Shrek no in-between.

your girl: "hey I saw a Gurpreet Singh Gill yesterday and I'm breaking up with you"
you: "ok, I understand"

by Gillh November 15, 2020

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Prabhjot Singh Bhatia

Prabhjot Singh Bhatia is a name not given but earned. You have to be destined for failure to inherit this name and it is accompanied with a curse, a curse that gives you a choice with a predetermined answer. The forked ways between physical and mental excellence, but the name's owner's chosen option is irrelevant because the subject will have neither. A dreadful life to live indeed.

Prabhjot Singh Bhatia will have to lie to his friends and loved ones, and even have to go to the extent of changing work place if his lies unfold. He will have to leave behind everything and 'start-over'. But the curse won't leave the pleb. He'll change cities, continents even, so that he will have the privilege of lying to his family and cutting off all friends. But sadly he won't be able to learn how to break the name's curse.
The only way out is to embrace this failure and live with a yes-man mindset of expressing himself to the so called loved ones.

Tyrone: Hey Prabhjot Singh Bhatia, don't worry my friend I'll always be with you.

Chad: Yeah brodin we're in it till the end!

Stacy: Please Prabhjot Singh Bhatia if you ever have any, any problem please tell me I'll surely help you.

Prabhjot Singh Bhatia: *Damn.. I guess its time to change friends again*
Prabhjot Singh Bhatia: Ofcourse!

by nemesischan October 26, 2022

Sushant singh rajput

Sushant singh rajput is an angel who makes everyone's day just by smiling . He's very talented and a science geek . He would always talk about stars and the moon He's an inspiration to millions . Everyone girl/ boy would want sushant singh rajput as their brother /boyfriend / husband/ friend. He deserves only love but the world doesn't deserve his love

I wish I had a sushant singh rajput in my life

by samar ki patni February 13, 2021

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Guru Gabi Singh

It means what's happening, whats going on, whats the down low.

-Whats the Guru Gabi Singh?
-Nothing much, boring day.

by Jakabones January 14, 2006

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shaheed bhagat singh

a great sikh freedom fighter who gave his life for freedom of india frm the britishers. His greatness was seen at the age of only 20 years when he went on hunger strike against the britishers for 61 DAYS.
he's still considered as an icon of bravery among the young indian souls.

man A: damN! he died for his country at such a young age. I don't remember his name.
man B: foo! u don't remember great freedom fighter shaheed bhagat singh. u gotta b kiddin me.
man A:oo shit! i don't know how tht skipped through my mind bro.
man B: yea man! how can u forget the name of a person who is like a god to us.

by muhammad singh azad May 2, 2008

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