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Seosamh Steamboat Zoidberg Creamboat Community Napalm III Fallon

A lovely, flabbergasted fellow who owes an apology to a friend.

Wow dude that was a total Seosamh Steamboat Zoidberg Creamboat Community Napalm III Fallon

Wow sorry man I really owe you an apology.

by Mleahy39 February 9, 2018

Backyard steamboat

While wearing a turtleneck shirt/sweater that is tucked into your pants, you fart. The gas then travels up the shirt/sweater and out the turtleneck.

Did your face just shit itself, or did you backyard steamboat?

by Walk DMC January 26, 2017

steamboat moe

Moe fat hookers than anywhere!!!

You'd have to be a heterosexual transtesticle to not get laid around here, bunch a Steamboat Moes can't have whoopie for free, let alone charge for it!!!!!!

by PT-Nail April 12, 2017

Steamboat Willie

While in bed receiving fellatio, placing the covers over your partners head, yelling "toot toot" and giving them a dutch oven.

When I want Veronica to really gag on my cock, I give her the old Steamboat Willie!

by Dallydooley January 7, 2024

Steamboat Willie

When a sex partner defecates on your penis and quickly pours ice cold water on it to create steam.

Man, she shit on my dick and then poured ice water on it. Talk about a real steamboat willie!

by Surrealhero1979 January 4, 2024


A man who is ridiculously attractive. In addition, the word used as a verb can mean to have steamy sex.

He is a steamboat. (noun)
I’m going to steamboat you tonight. (verb)

by BootsMcGee July 11, 2019


To place one’s head between a beautiful pair of boobs and simply puff out your hot breath.

“I’m gonna steam boat you”
Her: motorboat? It’s called motorboat.
Her: did you just puff air on my boobs?!

by 𝙅𝙖𝙮𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙤™ July 1, 2022