Straggot is a form of a slur for heterosexual folks. Usually used in a form of a joke, not meant to be taken seriously.
"Man John you're such a straggot"
"HA so are you Jane"
they both laugh
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A boy who is “straight” and “hates” lgbtq+ but usually has a mullet and drives a huge truck that makes lots of noise because that makes up from there small dick. usually acts popular but he knows he is not. He Most definitely acts like he’s a f boy or a cowboy but is not. Basically just a boring lame basic straight person
-Wow did u see mason
- yea he’s such a straggot
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a straight person who is the most plain cis white male ever.
" I think those people are straggots. "
" No chance! they all never sleep well and they always say sus things! "
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Mr stevens the high school chemistry teacher who is a flamboyant fag
Hey look it’s that straggot mr Stevens what a fuckin fag
Straggot is often used by the lgbt community to offend straight people, and it’s hilarious because they try to say that straggot is a slur LMAO. This is ridiculous because heterosexuals are not a minority and they are not oppressed, but keep on dreaming
“That’s a slur!!!🤬🤬😡😡😢😢😓😓”
“Mm Nahh”
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that's not what straggot means you faggots,
a straggot is someone who claims to be a straight male yet is a househusband and the woman of the relationship. he's "straight" yet acts like a girly faggot but he's not quite a faggot due to what he claims his sexuality is, so he's a STRaggot.
"john is such a straggot, he asked his girlfriend to peg him yet he swears that he's a straight man"
"james is a beta male, i would call him a faggot but he's straight so, straggot"
A “straight” man who is too afraid to live in his truth just yet.
Girl 1: He’s so sassy wtf!
Girl 2: I know omg. These new straggots have been bugging out lately!