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Bubble Sucker

The unfortunate consequence of too much air being blown up the anus during the act of giving a rim job - resulting in gases being omitted back into the givers mouth.

Jack: I was giving a rusty trombone to some dude last night and he farted in my mouth.
Brent: Oh i hate becoming a bubble sucker.
Jack: Yeah, it tasted like tortilla chips.

by geordiedevil August 3, 2015

Sucker Free

A grouping of people, ie a group of friends, a gang, or an entire city; consisting of 100% real personality and absolutely no marks, buckets, or posers. Being sucker free means that no one can talk shit, cause you know that there aint anything that they could talk shit about. Originally used by SF Bay Area rap artists in the early 90's.

We dont smoke that shit in the SFC, dont give me no bammer weed!

SFC = Sucker Free City
aka San Francisco

by BlueBird_SFC May 15, 2006

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Uncle Sucker

Uncle Sam or the U.S. Government

I owe Uncle Sucker five grand in taxes from last year!

by TBERN January 25, 2007

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A parasite. One who uses others.

I'm not that blood-sucker's friend! He doesn't have friends, just distant acquaintances and people that he's used up.

by Downstrike December 24, 2004

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sucker cock

Step 1: get boner
Step 2: get near person of interests face
Step 3: call persons of interests name
Step 4: hope person of interests face turns into boner
Step 5: ram boner in face

Example) Hey McDowell ima sucker cock coach hill.

by Ben McHammerpants April 28, 2014

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Noun, Someone whose happy romantic relationship absorbs all the available love in their surroundings, leaving their single friends and colleagues unable to find happy romantic relationships of their own. Can be used to refer to long-term, committed relationships or to couples in the beginning stages of a relationship. Can also be used as a verb, i.e. "to love-suck"

Oh, you two are so cute. You're such love-suckers!

We can't be friends anymore! I can't ever get a boyfriend because you're such a love-sucker!

I don't mean to love-suck, but we're just so happy together.

by Single and a little bitter November 1, 2009

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Nut Sucker

Someone who sucks nuts

Jason is a nut sucker

by DJHomeboi January 26, 2015

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