She is a Psycho weirdo! She might be a little crazy, but she’s hella funny! She’s a little bossy pants, and pretty much really annoying.
Hey Phoebe Sue! Stop being a Psycho Sue!
A term referring to a character in fiction who is unreasonably favored by the author. The character typically faces few conflicts between themselves or non-villain characters, displays a complete lack of seriously crippling flaws and weaknesses, and has their bad actions repeatedly forgiven or regarded as unquestionably good by the story.
That is of course what the term is supposed to mean, but over the years its use has become more and more broad and haphazardly thrown around that it has essentially lost all meaning. Characters who obviously aren't Mary Sues are frequently called them, while characters who clearly fit the description fly under the radar. Mary Sue has become just another meaningless term used as a covert synonym for something you don't like, the same way "unfair" is used for video games or "contrived" is used for movies.
Kid: "Have you seen the new movie that came out? The main character is such a Mary Sue."
Kid 2: "No she's not. Do you even know what that term means?"
A beautiful girl who doesn’t know that she is. She has a pretty smile and a nice rack. She is adventurous, reckless, fun, caring and loves to laugh. She loves to travel and is a good cook. She is fantastic in bed. When you start to fall for her that’s when you realize you don’t have a chance because she loves her man.
Guy 1: she’s amazing
Guy 2: why don’t you go for her?
Guy 1: she’s a Melissa Sue
A short, adorable, usually country gal. A kayla sue is mostly named after many people and is a sociable person. She is loud and outgoing. She has many friends.
Man! I wish I was as cool as Kayla Sue!
A sock used to collect ejaculate, then hidden under the bed and left to dry out.
A dried-up spaff-sock.
Nicola walked into Smithy's bedroom to collect his dirty washing, and was horrified to discover a crispy sue carefully stashed under his pillow.