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Panda Syndrome

1.A condition where you'd rather screw-off than try to get laid.
2.Too stupid to reproduce for own benefit

Adam: Katie wanted your bone last night.

Jared: Yeah, too bad my Panda Syndrome kicked in.

by AKR November 2, 2006

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Lincolnshire Syndrome

A typical malaise affecting those who live in secluded rural areas such as Lincolnshire, England. Symptoms include lack of urban awareness; an aversity to progress; general social/racial ignorance and crucially the inability to accept that such areas are generally shit. Sufferers may find difficulty in rehabilitation; some have been known to live in said areas for life due to their irrefutable lack of ambition. Surprisingly some are content to be entertained lifelong by Young Farmers' parties and "Skeg-Vegas", an association of which the true Vegas, thankfully, is unlikely to know of. To this date there is no apparent cure.

"you off to skeggy vegas on saturday yeahhh?"

- a Lincolnshire Syndrome sufferer

by pradzor March 17, 2010

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China Syndrome

When one gets the peculiar urge to date or have sexual intercourse with those of East Asian Descent.

Damn son, Patrick has that China Syndrome yo. He's been macking on Asian chicks all day!

by Gpopper March 3, 2010

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WYSI Syndrome

A common syndrome among osu! players when they see the number "727" a lot and/or see it on objects that don't even resemble it.

Person 1: Oh look it's an In-N-Out, wanna eat lunch there?
Person 2: WYSI WYSI 727 WYSI.
Person 1: What the fuck are you ok? Do you have WYSI Syndrome?
Person 2: Yes I need help.

by Suguri- September 20, 2021

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Barackholm Syndrome

What President Obama develops when dealing with Republicans who hate his guts and want to destroy him. Similar to the well-known phenomenon known as Stockholm Syndrome, where hostages begin to relate to, care about, and defend the terrorists holding them captive, except in this case, you are the President of the United States.

Observer #1: "Fuck! Obama caved in to the Republicans AGAIN, even though he had all the advantages in negotiations! I don't understand it at all!"

Observer #2: "Barackholm Syndrome strikes again..."

by NCScientist August 1, 2011

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League Syndrome

League of Legends players' who are normal quiet players. All of a sudden, they say toxic remarks such as: "kill yourself" "i hope you jump off a bridge" "cancer" "autism" or all of the above at the same time. These are players who feel insecure about themselves. They're the type of players to act innocent if you call them out on their toxicity in post-game chat, If they act innocent after they flame someone mid-game then they have a severe case of League Syndrome. They're the type of players to justify their negative attitude.

If you want a master manipulator then you need someone who has League Syndrome because those fuckers take shit out of their ass and smear it on their chat box.

Player 1: "Can you stop being toxic?"
Player 2: "Shut the fuck up faggot piece of shit you cancerous toxic fuck, you're the toxic one."

by LeagueMaster3000 October 19, 2016

Bogan syndrome

Bogan syndrome is something that all Bogans suffer from all over australia. its when your weak and not strong at all so you hang around in gangs and go around bashing people for no reason at all most bogans start off by saying (what the fuck are you looking at wanna fucking go do you) when they say this quote it means they are trying to be tougher and stronger but really they are piss weak and trying to show off to there mates all bogans try to be tough by doing all the hard drugs having sex and getting tough breeds of dogs all bogans have either staffies or Pitballs tough dogs to match there personality because in there mind they think they are touch when they are nothing at all . you will find Bogan syndrome everywhere in Ravenswood Launceston Tasmania

look at that bogan over there yelling and trying to be tough in front of his mates

yeah he has bogan syndrome

by Apeman1984 December 11, 2012