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crouching tiger, hidden Oscar

oh i HATE U FAGGIUS!!! go fag ur self, loser, lol.
The truth is out: Mr. Rochester and Raines Varens are to be married at sundown!
he, faggius, is a dwaine of Nithya m.

Run away!!!!!!!

by IsolatedCatholicSchoolgirls May 26, 2004

bowing tiger hidden crouch

When you decide to greet another person using the eastern bow instead of the western handshake. But since they're not worth putting strain on your back, you sneak in an ergonomically correct squat instead of a bow.

Person 1: Why are you squatting instead of shaking my hand?
Person 2: It's 2020 learn 2 bow. Handshakes and elbow bumps are a thing of the past.
Person 1: Looks more like a bowing tiger hidden crouch, but okay

by NYCDIESEL April 13, 2020

Pulling in Allen crouch in a Batman costume

While standing in the closet dress is your favorite superhero with a with a hole cut in the crotch watching two people have intercourse you masturbate vigorouslyinto each one of their shoes while maintaining a tight clench on your DC or marvel butt plug. At the end you jump out and say something like Shazam or gee Willis Batman and run away shamed by what you have done Allen crouch

Did you hear that somebody pulling in Allen crouch in a Batman costume the other day not in a pair of f****** doc martens the disgrace the funny thing is is that the butt plug fell out and it was a hello Kitty one not a DC One

by The real McCoy but my name is January 10, 2022

Will crouch

Pussy slaying god can get any girls number just by looking at them and has a 20 inch pinch

Will crouch gets puss

by Puss slayer69 April 14, 2020