A forbidden game which when played, instantly adds 50 kilograms of fat on your body and generates a fatal allergy to grass. Playing Genshin Impact puts the gamer at a huge risk of losing their father or sometimes both parental figures Genshin Impact is simialar to league of legends and other various anime-related video games which have the same effects on any life forms.
"Sorry son, i cant stay here because you are playing Genshin Impact"
A shitty game that attracts weird people and pedophiles to spend tons of money on fictional characters
Oh you play Genshin Impact? Kill yourself loser
Any living organism that downloaded this game, their father had left.
yayyy genshin impact is downloaded......wait where did dad go
Genshin Impact™ is a game designed by the Chinese Communist party for the sole purpose of convincing morbidly obese unfunny American band students to blow their entire savings on 3D rendered breasts and inevitably get fuck all thus preventing said weeabo americans from ever breeding and thus wiping out the shower avoidant twats from the face of the earth.
Player : "Ah fuck I lost the 50/50 in Genshin Impact™ again. Well I'll go back to fapping to literal drawings of children and browsing r/goodanimememes."
{SPOILERS}The murder of One British Noble and the forever racist perception the English would have of the Japanese
Man A - "what was Genshin's impact?"
Man B - "The murder of one british noble and the forever racist perception the English would have of the Japanese"z
Man A - That is,,,,genshin impact
A game that no lifes play. If you play this be ashamed.
"You play Genshin Impact?"
"Yeah, It is a really creative, inspirational game tha-"
"Shut up"
Royale High graphics and looks, storyline of random 10yr twitch streamers :)
Genshin impact is a game that is edible?