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GALz Clan

GALz Clan is an elite group of gaming girls for online multi-player console games. With talented gamers from all over the world and each one bringing their unique playing skills to the game. Together, the GALz have what it takes to challenge any takers.

"I can't keep losing to the GALz Clan, lets go find another lobby."

"Damn, the GALz Clan got skills"

by GALz July 11, 2014

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Rush Clan

The best gaming clan who doesn't play games. Rush Clan is the embodiment of irony. Unconditional love for Brysi and Among Us. Don't forget to follow the rules, we run a pretty tight ship around here.

I heard Matthew NaDeSHot Haag is the official Rush Clan server owner.

by Matt Haag August 20, 2021

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Clan XD

Clan XD is considered the greatest clan in OGame, its also known as "the clan that changed OGame" due to their outstanding gameplays. It was founded by 'XD_Santa' and 'XD_Leader' Other members include:
XD_General, XD_StephieSays and XD_Reload.

Clan XD is amazing! They hit those very well.

by X[D_JordanPaul November 16, 2020


To be apart of two clans, being a full member of 2 or more clans.

Unknown1 is apart of 'Clan 1' and 'Clan 2', Unknown is multi-clanning.

by Derek3212 January 30, 2008

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Clan OD

To be in this clan you must either be over 20 and a virgin, or under 18 and pre pubescent. Usually full of noobs, especially the warcraft division. The leader Chobo(OD) recently went on a chinese rampage with police and ended up getting shot to death. You have a wigger bigballer(OD) who hasn't been laid in ages and is still around.

I decided to get good, so I left clan OD and joined a PROFESSIONAL clan that games instead of tons of drama.

by Clan OD November 22, 2010

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clan of xymox

A Goth Rock band from Netherlands. Formed in 1983

Clan of Xymox rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by robot May 8, 2005

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Clan fag

An individual in a clan within an online video game. Usually have little in the way of a life. Often known to use words such as nooband owned. Also known to use zero's for o's, p's for o's and 3's for e's.

Clan fag: I am so gonna pwn your ass n00b!
Normal person: What in god's name are you talking about?
Clan fag: WTF? FU l00z3r!!!
*Normal person kills Clan fag*
Clan fag: WTF??? hakorz!!! Uber n00b!!!!

by Jack McManus December 2, 2005

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