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Partner tolerant sexual preference

Aka. P.T.S.P.; When an individual will sleep with people; regardless of whether or not they are romantically involved with them

Brandon will sleep with people regardless of whether or not he is dating them. He has a partner tolerant sexual preference.

by Vanguard 1998 April 15, 2021

tolerance of a mousetrap

A term used to describe a person or creature with no patience or tolerance. Someone who snaps easily.

Bob: You wanna get something to eat man?
Larry: Sure. Not McDonald's though. I had that yesterday.
Larry: Jeez man. You've got the tolerance of a mousetrap.

by Hackfail August 11, 2012

zero tolerance

-zt- for short, the most honorable, skilled and stylistic clan on w2. if you happen to ever meet a member of this legendary clan, then give him money.

w0ozle no0zle -zt- pwnz all

by -zt-still December 8, 2004

Zero Tolerance

1. The greatest local rock band around in the state of Ohio and possibly the world damn world.

2. Guys who know how to play kick ass music and drink multiple shots of Jager.

3. The band that allows 99% of its fans to have a social life when they play gigs.

"Are you going to the Zero Tolerance show tonight?"

"Its been two weeks since Zero Tolerance played, when's the next gig?"

by LegendaryLed February 13, 2012

Zero tolerance

Allies to one of the best hacking crews on the internet RLA Specialise in taking out noob crews that just talk shit and cant prove there skills for example Yahoo Most Wanted, Owning noobs sites, that try and attack theres and fail... Founders are Havik And Diablo... Ex Members Of The Metal Daze Crew... oh and clydes worst nightmare

Havik From Zero tolerance exploited clydes noob ass.. LOLOLOL

by _Havik_ November 8, 2006


The "allotment" (i.e., "ration") of patience/forgiveness/understanding that someone "sets aside" for dealing with a certain situation, person, etc. --- the larger the toleration, the less likely he is to blow his stack or be hostile/unsupportive in said instance.

If someone is hot-headed or prejudiced overall, he's not likely to give anyone whom he disagrees with much of any toleration.

by QuacksO November 7, 2018