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toxic fandom

When a person believes they have the only correct way of appreciating certain content. They will attack other fans that disagree with them even if they are discussing a topic the toxic fan knows little about or has only hear from second-hand sources (Q).

Like the fan that will literally tell someone that they are wrong without having actual credible evidence are examples of toxic fandom.

by LolQ1000 December 19, 2019

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Toxic Hell

Anther term for Taco Bell, especially if it's not a very high quality restraunt.

You want pizza or Toxic Hell for supper?

by LR December 10, 2003

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Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity is the belief that, "if you just stay positive, you will overcome any obstacle," to such a degree that you invalidate natural emotional responses and the person having those feelings.

Her Toxic Positivity left her friend feeling like his feelings were not important and he was overreacting.

by Netrillian February 22, 2019

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Toxic workplace

The kind of workplace you leave as soon as you've saved enough fuck you money. No two weeks notice. Just leave and never show up again.

I left my lunch in a locked cabinet before I quit that sorry excuse for a company. It's such a toxic workplace, they won't even notice the smell. It'll just blend in with the rest of their bullshit.

by goyo August 14, 2016

TOXIC Feminism

The belief that women should always be higher up than men. Often backed with physical or verbal abuse towards the other gender. Not to be confused with feminism.

Man, this TOXIC Feminism is just ruining my day.


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toxic grace

This is associated with the projection of kindness or charm that gets twisted into something more unsavory. A glimmer of false hope shattering. People using Toxic Grace usually speak with a forked tongue, telling you one thing while doing something quite different than they had said. Once people have experienced Toxic Grace they are left confused, wondering how they were deceived so categorically.

He told me the promotion was mine which was just more toxic grace, I was never in the running.

That's the same toxic grace she tried telling me until I provided evidence for proof that I was there.

by LoganQ April 27, 2018

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Toxic friend

-a โ€œfriendโ€ who belittles you, bullyโ€™s you, or hurts your feelings in general
-a person who you care about even though they probably donโ€™t care for you

-a person who you like when youโ€™re around them, but hate when youโ€™re away from them
-when you are with other friends you realize how much you hate them

-could also be controlling
-someone you continue to be friends with because of guilt issues, years youโ€™ve known each other etc.
-similar to fake friends

A: โ€œSusan always belittles me, itโ€™s like she wants to hurt my feelings,โ€

B: โ€œSusan seems like a toxic friend.โ€

by 1234567891011sunday May 2, 2018

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