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unhappy trail

The tuft of hair directly above the asscrack. It is the opposite of the happy trail.

When David went to prison all the anal rapists laughed at the tramp stamp that said "oops" that they could read through his especially harry unhappy trail.

by Uncle Wink August 28, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wiki trail

-to follow a trail of links on Wikipedia from one article to another, usually leading to an article that is completely unrelated to the original search subject.

-first used by DirtyPat while explaining to someone what he did all afternoon.

-I spent all afternoon on the wiki trail learning about interesting things.

by DirtyPat June 3, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

rape trail

Uconn's trail to all off campus housing where all the parties are held.

it looks sketchy, thus it is called the rape trail. Also most people come back to campus late at night using the rape trail and are often wasted.

I'm on the rape trail!

by anonymousuconnstudent May 20, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stink Trails

When someone leaves behind the smell of shit on whatever they sit on.

Ben: Yo, smell Ted's seat.

Jack: Ok..(smells Ted's seat) oh man! It smells like shit!!

Ben: Yea, he leaves stink trails.


Jack: Where is Ted?

Ben: I dunno, let's sniff around and see if we can track him down since he leaves stink trails.

by gpc March 6, 2008

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Slut trail

Ankle tattoos on girls.

"Well, I guess Jessica H, Chelsea O, and Tiffany O have slut trails."

by StrawberryCoughDrops January 18, 2010

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Slug trail

A slug trail is when a guy a rubs his cumy penis on something resembling a slug trail look alike

" I want you to put a slug trail on my upper lip" said the dark black man

by shovel breaker October 26, 2017

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

snail trail

A sexual act in which a woman drags her wet vagina across a reclining partner's chest or face. Sort of a female counterpart to teabagging.

He was just lying there, so I gave him a snail trail.

by lollers May 1, 2006

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