It is a makeshift Vaporizer that consists of a normal bong and a blow dryer (hair dryer).
You pack your substance into the bong like normal, but instead of using a lighter, you use the blow dryer to "vaporize" the substance.
This is normally used when a stoner watches Manswers and realizes that the best way to get high is through vaporizer, but is to broke for a real vaporizer.
My, Stoner Vaporizer rips like a beat... I was as higher then i have ever been!!
Massive marketing promotions for products & services not yet available, or even given an availability date by the providing organization.
"I hope the size of the new iPhone isn't vapor-hype. The last one didnt' really give us anything new."
a girl who is WAY too in to vaporwave
“That angsts girl with the funky hair and the holographic shoes is such a vapor hoe.”
1. When someone who shows great relationship promise disappears suddenly and unexpectedly. Usually they will deliver the news with a text message, letter or, equally cowardly and detached form of media messaging. Like the vapor trail of a fast-moving airplane, there is evidence that the plane was once there, but is now nowhere to be seen.
2. Spurned
"Geri and I were getting along so well. We had several amazing dates... she was so into me two nights ago, but this morning she vapor-trailed me with a text message saying that she didn't want to see me anymore."
"Scott was so amazing. We always made time for each other. We even planned a dinner date for this evening. But when I got home from work, he vapor-trailed me with a note he slipped under my door saying that we can't hang out anymore."
a very nice car such as a mustang or a corvette in a silver/light grey shade.
when it drives through the light the color makes it look like vapor therefore it has the name "the vaporator" its kind of a term for your very own superhero the batmobile
my vaporator is looking fly in the light
Vapor vaulting is the act of pressing one's anus to another's, particularly after coitus, when the undercarriages are at their moistest. A gaseous deposit is then made into the receiving butthole.
Yeah, man, we were wiped out, but we were sweaty, so I thought to myself, "Why not? I'm gonna try vapor vaulting you."
a word that you say when you meet a friend who you haven't seen for a very long time.
Dude,haven't seen you for ages!You're like vaporized.