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wobble head

when you get really drunk and you can't keep control of your head so it wobbles about like one of them churchill dog dolls!

gemma was that drunk once she cudnt hold her head up straight, so therfore she had wobble head

by Deano_1985 April 27, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

albanian wobble

A situation in which someone continuously wobbles another right knee to create a flapping sensation and a large noise.

"I heard that Sally gave David an Albanian Wobble last night"

by Oliverflap April 10, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wobbly Bits

The Females Breasts

Women have Wobbly bits, Men have Dangly Bits

by Dean September 18, 2003

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double wobble

A 50s dance craze altered to mean a sexual act.

Hey everybody let's do the double wobble! And then tonight we can REALLY double wobble!

by Doubly Wobbled February 21, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

word wobbles

When one is working with any computer word-processing program, and it begins to become non-responsive and/or performs strange, unexplained functions, often resulting in the computer freezing and/or loss of the entire document.
The term is derived from the skateboarding vernacular term "speed wobbles," which is when a skateboard begins to tightly swerve uncontrollably from left to right due to excessive speed.

Man, I spent two hours typing my report for Literature class and I got the word wobbles just before the screen went blank.

by Marcus Solomon November 9, 2007

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Wobbly Pops

Beer, malt liquor beverage shared amongst friends

After the game Kwame shared a few wobbly pops with his team mates

by Brock April 20, 2004

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wobble hug

The act of hugging someone and wobbling back and forth while hugging said person

Hey can I have a wobble hug

by Irish potato February 8, 2020