A pretty good sex position, it's when I flip you mom over. Commonly used by dudes with red hair and like cherries.
"Have you heard of "wow", it's my favorite sex position. It's when I flip you mom over."
A term that people say when they have seen a pillow.
"what is it?"
"Nah mate, thats a cushion"
"Damn I wow'd for no reason"
1. A sound made by someone when they are amazed by someone else or somelse
2. A sound made when your in amazement of how annoying, rude, or disrespectful someone can be
1. Tyler: Hey Alex, come check this out
Alex: Wow that's cool
2. Alex: Hey Tyler, I'm back with some food
Tyler: OH WOW, you didn't get em anything
An act of being shocked or amassed.
"Wow do elephants really be that big?"
A word to use when a person insults another person
“Wow” that’s