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Wanna join?

Wanna join is what sluts say when they are having sex or making dirty jokes. They are basically asking you if you wanna join them in the sex. This usually happens when you walk in on someone doing sex.

Girl 1: Omg this feels so good
You: *walks in* UHM?
Girl 1: Wanna join?

by Zannababe October 18, 2023

wanna stretch?

A term used when two people are about to fight. when saying this phrase it implies to the other person that they will need to stretch there muscles before the ass whooping they are about to receive.

You wanna stretch? You bout to catch these hands. loosen those muscles.

by stokers69 December 30, 2020

Wanna Baggo?

(Want a Baggo? Wanna Baggo?)
What people say when they are bragging or gloating.

Person 1: *got a 95 on a test*
Person 2: *got a 96*
Person 2: You wanna baggo?
Person 1: *flips off Person 2*

by Jade Baggo March 23, 2011

wanna talk?

"Wanna talk" just means that if you wanna talk through a certain type of online social media (Usually through discord or Skype)

You: Yo
Friend: sup
You: Wanna Talk?
Friend: sure

by BurberBingBootBettuce August 20, 2020

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gangsta wanna be

The niggaz that wear their pants so low you can see their underwear.

That niggaz is a gangster wannabe.

by steve October 2, 2004

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Often used as "wanna-be" , which originates from the ancient bean word "wanna-bean" to describe an impostor trying to be as cool as beans. Nothing can be cooler than cool beans. Beans have been cool since before beans were called beans.

Man.. that guy is trying too hard. He's such a wanna-bean.

by Detective dick Damian August 18, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wanna ride

A boy who is cat calling a woman instead of asking them out or wanting to Netflix and chill at his house.

"Hey wanna ride if you get me"

by Dailywords February 15, 2022

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