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World of Warcraft

A quite addictive yet fun game to play. millions of quests, monsters, players, and endless amounts of fun. with the expansion packs included, the highest level is 80. Cataclsym, the upcoming expansion, will let you get to 85, adding new quests, areas to explore, monsters to defeat, armor, tier sets, and 2 new races to play; worgen and goblin. also, check out Blizzard entertainments new games coming up such as starcraft 2 and diablo 3. i recommend WoW to anyone who likes a good mmorpg. just be careful, assholes are common on this game.

Guy 1: I just got World of Warcraft!!

Guy 2: Sweet! can I come over and play it with you?

Guy 1: Fuck off, fag.

by the excluder October 16, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

World of Warcraft

A game that shitloads of people play, occasionally normal people play this game, you wouldnt notice. But there is an enormous amount of players who troll and express themselves as superior to others, they spend their whole life playing the game trying to complete every quest and beat every other player. These people have social problems so they retreat to an alternative world where they can try to be better. There are also hypocrites who say world of warcraft is gay and lame but then they decide to play the game---> Fucken Ironic cunts. Majority of WoW players, you couldnt care less about what they do, its the faggot hardcore ones who think they are cool that pisses me off

WoW Player: Oh my gosh like you are the biggest noob Rogue ever, level 5 dagger of Udrun, thats a shit artifact you noob, and you have the worst mount that cant even fly hahaha, please you are below me, im am too pro.

Guy getting bullied goes home and logs onto WoW and starts trolling people releasing his anger

WoW player 1: I play World of Warcraft
Friend: ok, cool
WoW player 2: please, i bet you are noob
WoW player 1: shut the fuck up you faggot

by TEhTreatzu January 6, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

world of warcraft

What happens when blizzard runs out of ideas and decides to put together it's two best selling dames and make it a MMORPG

Colin: hello sir, have you noticed that World of Warcraft is an amalgamation of Diablo II and Warcraft III?

Reginald: Indubidably!

by I <3 BooBs October 8, 2005

40๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

World of warcraft

Its the best game ever! Once you get it, prepare, to.....have no life what so ever! It is extremely addicting. KICKASS GAME!!!

World Of Warcraft is a kickass game, get it, and join the Mal'Ganis Server!

by Big Rog. February 17, 2005

75๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž

World Of Warcraft

Complete waste of fucking time!

Friend 1: Dude I'm gonna go play World Of Warcraft.

Friend 2: Dude what a fucking waste of time all you do is walk around and kill shit!

by Shawn Underwood January 6, 2007

53๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž

world of warcraft

A PC game where losers with no real social life, girlfriend (or boyfriend), or job pretend to be warriors (it's all a bunch of rubbish, so don't even bother wasting your time going on it). They pay actual money monthly to use it, which is even more sad. It's like Dungons & Dragons, appart from the fact that it's on a PC screen and that you have to waste money on it.

WoW geek one: hey, wot level r u on World of Warcraft?
WoW geek two: i'm a 56er atm
WoW geek one: omfg gtfo u n00b
WoW geek two: im soo gonna hax0r u for that cos i'm 1337

by that guy who doesnt like giving out his real name September 25, 2006

54๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

world of warcraft

no other way to describe it...simply superb...im in love with it...i love it...wow for life

world of warcraft roxx0z y0urz box0zrzerz cakes

by rob March 24, 2005

64๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž