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Alternative pronunciation of Laurel

Robot voice:

Friend 1: "I heard Laurel"
Friend 2: "No it's clearly Yanny"
Friend 1: "Are you retarded mate?"
Friend 2: "Who you callin' a retard, are you deaf?"
*fight breaks out*

by gabrielecirulli May 19, 2018


An internet sensation where some people heard yanny in an audio clip and some heard laurel.

In the audio clip, my friends all heard
laurel but I heard yanny.

by FlamingGuacamole May 18, 2018


A common mispronounciation for the name “Laurel.”

Supply Teacher: Is there a Yanny in this class?
*Class is silent*
Random Kid: My name is Laurel you didn’t call my name.
Teacher: Yes I did you retard I literally said Yanny now shut up and do your work.

by TheTrueEnglishMaster May 24, 2018


A common mispronounciation for the name “Laurel.”

Supply Teacher: Is there a Yanny in this class?
*No response*
*One kid raises hand*
“My name is Laurel.”
Supply: “That’s what I said.”

by TheTrueEnglishMaster May 24, 2018


a video went viaral and some people here yanny and some peopel here lruel

did you here yanny in that video

by zoelegend May 17, 2018


That one thing people keep hearing in that goddamn audio clip instead of Laurel. Why the fuck does this even matter, we already did this shit with the dress like 3-4 fucking years ago. Also, the answer could be both, so stop arguing about it.

Person 1: I hear Yanny, what do you hear?

Person 2: How the fuck? I keep hearing Laurel!

Me: It's both you fucking idiots.

by yellowcat53 May 17, 2018


The correct name to hear after listening to Laurel vs Yanny.

I heard Yanny, what about you

by iNewo May 17, 2018