Correct. The slot has already been filled. There's one spot available and, like, I am the guy so...
Hym "He's right! You can't be the best. I am already that... Forever... And even if I had never existed... The fact that I COULD HAVE theoretically exist and would have been better means that I'm still theoretically better than you would be in my absence... So, Yeah... Both physically and theoretically impossible."
You can't force a person to do what they don't want to do.
You can't take a horse to water is a useful phrase to learn when making friends.
This phrase is used when indicating that both parties are to blame and that it is unfair to blame only one side without the other.
Sidney - He is a terrible person, she should leave him.
Maria - You can't blame one without blaming the other, she's not been the perfect wife.
Kale is slang for money, it's not just cabbage, which is also slang for money, so you can't have your money and spend it too. It's my updated version of the idiom, " you can't have your cake and eat it too".
Put your money in a safe place son, because you can't have your kale and spend it too.
A song by the band Suicidal Tendencies, off of their fifth album Lights...Camera...Revolution!, released in 1990. Arguably in my opinion, of their greatest songs.
You Can't Bring Me Down is just too awesome, Suicidal Tendencies deserve to be more known.
Describes venomous snakes in which the venom is of the type that liquefies human skin
Beware of this kind of snake if you're hiking. You can't eat it but it eats you.
I can and am perfectly justified in being so but that has no relationship to the actual issue here. You do not get to rob me. You are not aggrieved. And these AI bandwagon hoppers aren't going to kill any kids if they are made to pay me and that is EXACTLY what is going to happen. Some of you need to pray to whatever God you hold dear that that happens. I don't give a fuck about 'the people.' This isn't a vote. This isn't a popularity contest. You do not matter. So, I created AI... Why don't you do something with your worthless life so that YOU CAN SAY that even though you ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING... At the very least, you saved the life of a child.
Hym "He you can't be mad about all the school shootings, I mean, you're manufacturing mental illness. You actively tried to make the guy a crazy person so he did what crazy people do, right? You can't be mad about it because you did it to yourself."