A persons who means, discrimination, ugly, small, no awareness of human life, has a big ego, thinks he cools, and puts everyone else down.
He thinks he so cools while everybody is actually trying to find a way to get rid of him
How do we get rid of Zander
A persons who means, discrimination, ugly, small, no awareness of human life, has a big ego, thinks he cools, and puts everyone else down.
He thinks he so cools while everybody is actually trying to find a way to get rid of him
How do we get rid of Zander
A persons who means, discrimination, ugly, small, no awareness of human life, has a big ego, thinks he cools, and puts everyone else down.
He thinks he so cools while everybody is actually trying to find a way to get rid of him
How do we get rid of Zander
The ultimate being and friend
zander is a jerk don't say bad words when he is around he would probely snitch and do the naruto run. he is also a fat midget that don't have a hairline and can't spell R.
friend: do alt shift f4.
zander: teacherrrrrrrr