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Cookie Munter

A person that is not only really ugly (munter), but also really fat.

God *she* is a right fat munter, she must eat loads of cookies, *she's* a Cookie Munter!

by manutdot September 21, 2010

2👍 1👎

Ugly Ginger Munter

Slack jawed, saggy titted, burger faced harridan. Easily detected by the trail of dribbled food and bin juice it leaves in its wake. Normally has a shopping trolley in its front garden.

We ALL know one of these, don't we?

by Dirty Sanchez May 1, 2003

59👍 21👎

munter hunter

Fergus Toolan

Fergus Toolan is a prime example of a munter hunter

by K5girl March 11, 2011

1👍 5👎

super munter

Please see a "Scotty"

by Braineiac May 7, 2003


A dirty, ugly, horrid, putrid trollop of a “woman” who’s so unreasonably fucking rank to look at it makes you want to munt (vomit)

“Mate, Amanda is the biggest munter

“Glad you broke up with the slag she was an absolute fucking munter, lad”

by Aj the spunker May 29, 2023


A bloke of notable ugliness, untouchable without extreme levels of drunkenness.

OMG what a munter. I wouldn’t touch him with your dick.

by Fannie Mae May 25, 2019


A person who takes part in the act of "munting"

John is a gooner while I am a munter.

by Joseph_Goeballs.daddy March 31, 2024