It is when you and your friends are going on a camping trip, and no one shits the entire trip. Then when you get back home you all weigh yourself before you shit, then weigh yourself after and whoever's shit weighs the most wins.
So we were playing the Sport of Kings on our 2 day FTX, and Bloggins won with a 5 pound log
A competitive sport in which opponents attempt to open a freezer door using different body parts. No body part can be repeated during a competition if it has already been used successfully.
I managed to pull off a reverse chin at Freezer Sports last night.
The only reliable news source. Mainly reports on happenings in the NBA, but any news they drop is factual, accurate, and refreshingly real.
Person 1: "Apparently Skip Bayless has 3,280,000 messages addressed to “LeBron” in his 27 year career, according to Ballsack Sports."
Person 2: "Well if the Sack reported it, it must be true! Now nobody can claim that anyone other than Skip is the dickriding GOAT!"
A phrase to describe any female with extensive sporting knowledge, who is tired of instantly being treated like a fool on the assumption that she knows nothing about sport, based on her gender.
Amanda, Rosie and Laura are sporting feminists.
Saying for when a person thinks something is extremely irrelevant or unimportant. It mimics a news reporter.
Hillary Clinton just won the West Virgina Primary...and Now Sports.
Look Sue, Jerry's sporting a semi.
How can you tell?
Look at his pants!
A extremely potent Fart produced by eating specfic food and/or drink for the purpose of enhancing the smell or amplifyling the sound level of said fart.
Points are earned for the number of people that react. Bonus points are earned for inaudible sport farts and those that cause people to vacate the area.
Noun: I was really annoyed by the crowded conditions on the subway so I had bolied eggs and milk for lunch so I could cut a sport fart on the way home.
Verb: Heather and I enjoyed sport farting at the ballet to watch people fidget.
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