1.An action game with Jets from Sega.
2.Someone who torches your ass with a lighter.
3.If you eat chinese food with hot sauce your ass starts to burn.
4.When you eat at McDonalds/Burger King a Pig Crap Sandwich, and later have to shit...you will get After Burner feeling.
BIG :" OMG cartgass, you ate the HOT SPICY Burger"
Cartgass:" I already feel my ass burning WTF"
RIB:" LOL BK owned you haxx0rz"
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a product that is created because another product did very well
the following product does not need to be of the same media but if they are the they usually are not as good as the original.
There are a lot of Star Wars after products such as legos.
Disney's Pirates of the Carribean movie series is an after product of the Disneyland ride of the same name.
Wanting something you previously diswant after somebody took it
I wanted that
Well now you after wanted it
The day after you smoke some dank, and you're still feeling the high
I'm still after-lit from the smoke sesh last night
Two peoples favourite time of the day
‘I’ll see you after bedcheck’
‘I’ll give you medical attention ‘after bedcheck’
The after effect of BoJangles.
The erupting feeling you get only minutes after the digestion of BoJangles.
boy 1: Where's the closest bathroom?!
boy 2: After-jangle?
boy 1: Big time.