Source Code

You ain't shit

= You're nothing.
However, 'you ain't shit' isn't necessarily an insult. You can comfort someone by saying that they are not shit.
You ain't shit vs. You are shit is definitely not the same. 'Ain't' is a general negation vernacular term.

FuckBoy : I cheated on my girlfriend and I don't even feel guilty haha
GoodMan : Really? You ain't shit, dude! (insult)

by SNBX June 27, 2016

352๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

life ain't fair

A phrase which seems to be able to justify any means people may use to fuck you over.

"What the fuck! You fucked my girlfriend, killed my dog, stole my life's savings and burned down my house! I thought you were my friend!"

"Hey, life ain't fair, man."

by FinnishPunk May 23, 2004

85๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

She Ain't You

"She doesn't compare to you." This is something a guy would say to his girl in the case of his girl being jealous of another girl, he says this to reassure her that no other girl compares to her.

Girl: Who was that girl you were talking to, huh?

Guy: Baby she ain't you, you have nothing to worry about.

by The GodFather's Wife November 11, 2013

I ain't no bitch!

Utterly useless, insult used in a fight.

Joseph Tinnelly used it to argue with Gordon Ramsay in The Hell's Kitchen

Gordon Ramsay: "unbelievable one simple request who and, why and you make a big song and dance"
Joseph Tinnelly: "I ain't no fucking bitch, Chef. I don't give a fuck! I ain't no bitch!"

by bobbysmiles January 12, 2021

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It ain't nothing but a peanut

A saying used to psych your self up, just before liftin wieghts. Used by ronny coleman.

David "This weight is really heavy"
Tom "It ain't nothing but a peanut"

by dark0dave February 18, 2010

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Pimpin ain't easy

The life of a pimp is a grueling yet extremely rewarding one nonetheless. Often thwarted with social boundaries, pimps are a marginalized group of people because of societal vices such as jealousy and wrath. Pimps continue pimping, not because it is easy, but because of the satisfaction and rewards associated with pimping.

Pimpin ain't easy Mufuck

by Maykel December 26, 2018

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Ain't that some shit?

A resigned expression of disappointment at the outcome of a situation, generally one which is unfair or discriminatory.

Popularised by CeeLo Green's 2010 song "Fuck You"

If I was richer, I'd still be with ya. Now ain't that some shit?

by Spud of Doom November 16, 2010

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