When a boar gets horny, he whistles, in order to attract sow.
A way of rating women on their level of attractiveness, usually between 1 and 10, with 1 being horribly unattractive and 10 being insanely attractive. Women are often spoken of with their rating alone, example below.
Guy A: Man, I saw this 9/10 yesterday. Definitely caught her checking me out.
Guy B: That high on the attraction scale?
Guy A: Yeah! Maybe even a 10!
When you're just a bro who can admire other good looking bros.
"Hey bro, you look hot in those jeans"
"Aww, thanks bro, that shirt suits your abs"
"I'm straight-attracted to you, bro"
"You too, bro"
when you think someone you see in public is attractive but not like hollywood or hollywood-adjacent attractive.
friend one: woah that person over there's really hot! don't you think?
friend two: yeah but they're no ryan reynolds or margot robbie.
friend one: oh obviously but you know, they're like, realistically attractive.
When a female/ male uses their attraction factor to an advantage to get something from you.
Ethan "Bro she is definitely pulling some sort of attraction distraction on you!"
Jonah "Man stop lying and get yourself a girl like mine."
When a freakazoid thinks waterbottles are hot
Me: you are one of my very good friends and I respect you
Luke(a freakazoid): I have an attraction to waterbottles
Me: die