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Booger Butt

A "Booger Butt" is someone who is mischievous or misbehaves, nut not with evil intentions. Usually said of a small child, but can also be said of anyone who behaves like a small child. Also "boogerbutt".

Johnnie snuck into the cookies again. He's such a little booger butt.

by Jack the Dejackifier August 9, 2021

19πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

cum booger

when a females pubic hairs gets load of semen on them and they pass out and wake up the next day to have dried crusty cum stuck to their hair

She needed a scrub brush to get the cum boogers i left on last night.

by Xdiablo69X August 14, 2007

67πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

booger drag

adj. Term used in the deep South; a lazy form of drag practiced by men and women resulting in ill fitting garb, sexually confused makeovers and various other twisted results; often practiced in combination with the consumption of large amounts of alcohol.

That drag queen started by doing booger drag events

by Kat of Zion August 14, 2007

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Dick Booger

This is what is found on a touch screen of a TV or computer display in a bar restroom. It’s the crusted, sticky, semen-ish discharge on the tip of one’s index finger that sticks to the screen.

"I was in RampHearts Bar and noticed mad dick boogers on the touch screen LED TV over the urinal. I told Cameron to have someone wipe it off"

by kerb-stirer January 16, 2017

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Bastion Booger

the funniest professional wrestler in the history of WWF. I saw him win a match by falling on his oponent, then he belched and ate a banana with his mouth open.

Bastion Booger rocks! Bring back Bastion Booger to the WWF

by Anonymous November 6, 2003

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pussy booger

a vaginal discharge or secretion from ones pussy resulting in a booger like substance

After her long run, emily had collected pussy boogers in her panties.

by beyond bling ryders August 30, 2006

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Gum Booger

A Gum Booger is the kind of annoying thing you can't successfully get rid of without spending a lot of time and effort, and even then it's difficult to complete.

Taken from nose-picking, when you hook out a booger that's moist gummy & sticky. No matter how much you might flick it or try to rub it off your finger and on to something else, it refuses to go. The only way you can remove it is by wrapping the entire fingertip in a rag and wiping it off. But if you had a rag in the first place, you wouldn't have had to pick it out.

Applies to:
An annoying person who just won't quit or go away
An annoying ad on TV that keeps on popping up during CSI
A driver who refuses to overtake but tailgates you and insists on matching your speed however much you speed up or slow down.
The annoying relative who always calls on the phone when you're really getting into a session of early morning sex.

among others.

Dick: What is that guy doing? I slowed down from 85 to 30 and he's still on my ass!

Sally: Ignore him, he's just a gum booger.


Eddie: Damn gum booger. I want to change channels!
Liza: Baby, next time hang up the phone before we start.

by fronkzippo April 25, 2010

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