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IT support booty call

When a person or customer befriends you only to milk IT support (technical support or help desk type activities) from you. Much like a booty call except here the person is just using the other person for technical support and no actual booty or the like is exchanged. In this case it is apparent that the relationship is just to get easy access to technical help when the calls or instant messages always lead to: "Can you fix my printer or my internet is down can you help me?"

Kim: "Hey Carmelo how are you?"
Carmelo: "Hey Kim, I'm fine, how are you?" How was your weekend?"
Kim: "My weekend was fine thank you, but listen i need your help, I can't print and you always fix it faster than anyone else can you help me?"
Carmelo says to self: "why does she only call me to fix her computer problems?"
Johnny: Bro why do you always fall for the IT support booty call, you know she really doesn't like you right?

The next call starts the same way but leads to another IT (no) booty call!

by Don Gesu (Zio Carmine) January 20, 2011

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disney booty call

Spontaneous summons - often made via telephone - to arrange liaisons to watch Disney films on a ad-hoc basis

Note: Disney booty calls do not take place after midnight otherwise the Disney movie magic is lost and disaster often follows.

I was desperate to watch The Little Mermaid, so I gave Trevor a Disney Booty Call.

by Walt Disney the third September 17, 2012

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Birmingham Booty Call

Mid sexual intercourse you shove a cell phone in your partners ass, call it, she shits it out, and you talk dirty to her over the phone!

My Girlfriend said she wanted a Birmingham booty Call

by Kyle Kleeman March 18, 2008

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Booty call site

A site on the internet where you can make a date for sex without knowing them or having to get to know them first.

John found a booty call site.

by Deep blue 2012 October 8, 2009

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Extended booty call

Extra long humping session when missed a few booty calls.

I havnt seen my ho in a few days so we had a extended booty call.

by mach 4 December 22, 2011

[booty] [call] [group]

Whenever somebody falls out with their group of friends, they go to this group
The one group that everyone goes to when they become loners, get ditched etc.

Girl 1: No one likes that girl anymore, her old friends ignore her
Girl 2: Yeah, she's hanging out with the booty call group now

by Mac.. August 9, 2008

booty call soulmate

A perfect match in the bedroom, but not elsewhere.

I finally hooked up with dude, he's fr my booty call soulmate, I just wish he could get the rest together.

by J9er11 January 27, 2021