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When the Boy Q does not want to go for brunch with Queen Bee, but he actually does want to really bad.

"Q lets go for brunch pwease I miss u I have a present for u" "No bitch. I have better things to do. Go with zain"

by The Boy Q November 14, 2023


What every basic white mom goes to on Sunday

Oh yea me and the girls are going to brunch

by Rottenlemons0417 March 17, 2022


Brunch is a combination of lunch and breakfast. It is used as a way to eat breakfast at lunch, or vice-versa.

"I could eat some brunch right about now."

by ZayonCrayon May 15, 2022


A meal created by basic bitches as an excuse to get drunk on a Sunday before noon.

Bitch 1: Hey Brittney, feel like some brunch on Sunday, 10 to whenever-ish?

Bitch 2: Hell yeah, I’ll make a registry for it.

by Gareth Pearson November 12, 2022


A group of homosexual men

Sheila and I went out for a drink after Zumba class the other day and we saw the most attractive brunch of gays walking down 9th Avenue.

by GkidW October 4, 2021


Eating breakfast food while also drinking/ getting drunk

“*8am* Wake up bitch we’re getting brunch

by HoneyDoo September 25, 2021


A combination of breakfast and lunch, usually taking place in the late morning. Can sometimes have alcoholic drinks but this is not a requirement for the meal

We had brunch in the late morning

by the smart brother June 12, 2024