When the Boy Q does not want to go for brunch with Queen Bee, but he actually does want to really bad.
"Q lets go for brunch pwease I miss u I have a present for u" "No bitch. I have better things to do. Go with zain"
What every basic white mom goes to on Sunday
Oh yea me and the girls are going to brunch
Brunch is a combination of lunch and breakfast. It is used as a way to eat breakfast at lunch, or vice-versa.
"I could eat some brunch right about now."
A meal created by basic bitches as an excuse to get drunk on a Sunday before noon.
Bitch 1: Hey Brittney, feel like some brunch on Sunday, 10 to whenever-ish?
Bitch 2: Hell yeah, I’ll make a registry for it.
A group of homosexual men
Sheila and I went out for a drink after Zumba class the other day and we saw the most attractive brunch of gays walking down 9th Avenue.
Eating breakfast food while also drinking/ getting drunk
“*8am* Wake up bitch we’re getting brunch”
A combination of breakfast and lunch, usually taking place in the late morning. Can sometimes have alcoholic drinks but this is not a requirement for the meal
We had brunch in the late morning