On February 4th you are allowed to bully your friend named Michael.
National Bully Michael Day is today, time to go bully my friend.
bully your anchors because they don’t do their job.
we celebrate bully your anchors day every day
On October 25th, you are allowed to go up to any person above 5'9 and start just hating on them.
Take National Bully Tall People Day to the extreme, its a free-for-all!
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You know that long haired idgit you go to school with that has long hair and climbs trees? Yea. ovi. Bully him. Bully him as hard as you can and don’t stop. This holiday/tradition has been taken aback many a years through my ancestors and we must carry it on. It takes place daily throughout the year. It is always national bully ovi day. Wherever you are.
Ovi: hey you wanna play some magic?
You: no you f*** f***** uggo!
Ovi: hey that’s not very nice
You: I don’t care! It’s national bully ovi day *proceeds to bully ovi harder
Ovi: noooooo!
On April 20th all whales must be bullied
Guy: whales are bad and should be bullied
Other guy: well April 20th is national bully whales day
It is a day where people bully a person name shonie every day.
It’s national bully Shazza day
On february 11th of every year, you are allowed to bully any person named ethan, and they do not have the right to object
Hey look, its bully ethan day, time do some ethan bullying!