Source Code

Led Injection

A fired bullet. Particularly used when it hits a target. (The action of shooting something/somebody)

Char 1: "Step the fuck back right now before I give you a led injection!" (Points gun)
Char 2: "Whoa, Whoa! Okay!"

by AdielenDaFelon January 3, 2025

courtesan injection

An IV-administered dose of a prescription-strength medicine designed to temporarily relieve the intense and deeply-rooted "itch" of a "loose" female who would otherwise feel unable to resist the urge to offer her services as a paid escort to members of the upper-crust. Depending on the particular woman and the acuteness of her lustful feelings, her finances/lifestyle, and the specific aspects of her environmental surroundings (i.e., how many temptations she encounters on a daily basis), this powerfully-medicated shot may need to be re-administered frequently, up to several times per week.

Social worker: So how are you feeling today?
Unemployed hottie: Oh, horny as heck --- I'm thinking of applying for a part-time job at Lacy Ladies Escort Service!
Social worker (rolling eyes): Hoooo, boy --- here we go again! Looks like somebody's long overdue for another courtesan injection!

by QuacksO August 29, 2017


When a man directly ejaculates inside a woman's vagina with as little intercourse as possible and for the sole purpose of achieving conception. A process of donating sperm that leaves out the sperm banks.

We opted for direct-injection to receive sperm from the donor. I was on the edge of the bed, doggie style, and draped with a white sheet. The donor was behind a folding shoji screen. He was naked and wearing a clean white robe.

He was masturbating with a sanitary safe lubricant. When he got to the point where he was edging he said - I'm ready. I signaled to my husband that I was also ready to receive the donation. My husband called him out, lifted the sheet(which shows consent), and the donor nonchalantly deposited his donation with only one thrust. Then he went back behind the shoji, got dressed, and my husband thanked him and escorted him out of the room while I remained in a position best for conception. It was not sexual in the regularly accepted way. We all had a positive experience. A few weeks later, I tested positive for being pregnant!

by mememetoo December 3, 2018

dependency injection

A braindead way to say "passing arguments." Spooky arguments at a distance.

You are a Java program invoked via dependency injection.

You wake up, and your muscles and bones are shoved into place just before you move. You go to wash your hair but it fails to materialize and the universe ends.

by kraaaal November 21, 2018

Ratted on inject

ratted on inject running visioncines file

i ran visioncines file and i injected now im ratted on inject

by visioncine February 22, 2025

sweet meat injection

Sexual intercourse

Come the weekend I'm getting a sweet meat injection.

by genius mind April 4, 2016

Inner Ear Injection

When a man jerks off through a person's gauge stretched earlobe hole and then ejaculates into the person's ear.

As I gave him and 'inner ear injection' I thought to myself, "If I gauge my ears, will he do this for me?"

by @therealpopeyeschickensandwich October 16, 2020