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CLM (Career Limiting Move)

An action that won't necessarily get you "fired", but will create a self-imposed cap on your future. An unforced error that leads to the demise of your potential. Similar to black-listing; this is the move that causes you to get silently blacklisted. You're not necessarily gonna get fired, but, you're going to be wondering later on "why do I keep getting passed over for that promotion"? That CLM you made- that's why.

CLM (Career Limiting Move)

Oof, Tom getting hammered and belligerently trash-talking management, puking into garbage can at the company party... real CLM move. His co-workers like him, but management has no respect for him, and have privately said they would never work with him after the incident.
John, you work at a profit-taking hedge fund. You going well out of your way to make your socialist stance crystal clear to management... you're never going to get promoted to manager. CLM. Don't do it, please. Find another way.

by JBinSF June 16, 2022

eien's career

something that doesn't exist and has never existed

a fire/fairy type pokemon is like eien's career

by Sovrein March 22, 2017

Career Woman Syndrome

Noun. : What a woman gets when they have emotional baggage or haven’t had luck with relationships, so they just focus on hyper independence and their careers.

Damn shawty does nothing but talk about how she is independent or her job. I think she has career woman syndrome.

by FlackoRaikiri32 September 26, 2022

Career Jacker

A person who steals all your hardwork and claims all the credit aka boss aka coworker aka bastard

"Good job team", says the career jacker. Now blank's name aka person who's career is being jacked can you also add our names to the credit. #tellyourbosstokickrocks

by The Original Blaqadomas April 27, 2018

Terminal Career Agitation

Similar to Terminal Agitation, where an individual experiences severe restlessness as they near their passing, Terminal Career Agitation occurs when a professional reaches the end of their career and begins to reconcile with themselves about their accomplishments. Signs of Terminal Career Agitation can include micromanaging, unpleasantness, and a need for high levels of control over all projects.

My Boss has been experiencing terrible terminal career agitation. She is trying to get involved in every detail of every project, is obsessed with insignificant matters, and is micromanaging everyone in the office.

by burnsing April 10, 2024

Career sodomy

When someone takes a Metallica quality person working hard and about to do well in life make people proud and totally fucks the whole program by sabotaging his work and interrupting the flow of creativity because some serious bitch isn’t gonna get chosen cos she doesn’t like her fucking job

That little ring worm piece of shit just got busted for career sodomy for advertising a comment that meant nothing to anyone who didn’t do anything wrong by him

by Hectic Mooslie October 8, 2023

career advancing move (CAM)

A CAM (Career Advancing Move) is the way in which one persists with drinking with work colleagues - to the point of a CLM (career limiting move) and then from that point to not stop drinking once you get to that stage, but continue to the CAM stage. This is of course more effective if the people around you should also be boarder-line inebriated.

Wow, that guy was so drunk that he just pulled off a career advancing move (CAM).

by Shortnjocular March 10, 2015