Chode + Cunt
Someone who is a chode and also a cunt on the highest levels
Chunt: Substance excreted from the human chunt gland, located near genitals and butthole.
Oh man, that chick just chunted everywhere!
(n.) A deliberate human obstacle; someone who chooses to get in the way or become an inconvenience.
That chunt in the blue Volkswagen just passed me and stole my parking spot!
Badger: hey dude
Guy: holy shit, it’s a chunt!
Badger: yea that’s me
(Chestnut cunt)
A chestnut horse that’s a complete cunt of a four legged dog shit. Has very good use of those four legs especially when it comes to kicking the oxygen particles. Never be fooled by their looks and personality they’re usually over dramatic. Little like any pony under 14.2...
Rachael ‘AHHH this fucking chunt got be eating dirt again!’
Sara ‘Not again, i’ve lost count how many times you’ve ended up riding the floor instead of your own horse..’
A charity cunt who stops you in the street for your money for a fake charity.
Dad to his family: Don't look at them chunts as we walk past!