The place where the jokes die.
It is a common place to lame memes, jokes or insults. The prime examples are Sexual humor, Dick jokes, Maternal insults, Flatulence humor, Low-effort jokes/memes, political jokes, and other original jokes that were considered unfunny.
Guy 1: Hey wanna hear a joke?
Guy 2: OK, Go on.
G1: How to make a Sergeant impressed at his recruits?
G2: Not being a pussy?
G1: Wrong! You should never suck dicks!
G2: Man, your joke belongs to the Comedy Cemetery.
G1: Why?
G2: Because it's cringe and low-effort!
G1: Ah.. Sorry. I'm just new to offensive jokes.
G2: It's okay, you could learn more at homophobic dudes.
When You're in a group at an event and you're supposed to be working, but all you do is just stand there making jokes and being funny for the rest of the people and not working
"I don't want to do work, so I'll just be here for Comedy Support"
A wicked cool radio show like thing on Myspace. Contains comical audio skits written and preformed by Chris S. Sketches include "Beano to the Max", "Skittles Selling Terrorists" and (coming soon) "Caught By Steve". Most of the sketches are parodys of popular items, and are slightly crude sometimes, so these are not for the weak of heart. Though if you need a good laugh, I reccomend listening.
Can be found at
Man! I laughed so hard at the newest ahdio comedy sketch that my parents came into my room to ask what was wrong!
The scene in Death Note where the actor reacts to Ryuk showing up in a ridiculous way like a comedy.
The actor in Death Note acted like he was in a hard comedy
a jail kurtis got sent to cause he made a bad pun
i hope kurtis gets out of comedy jail soon
When a person shares something they found funny, like a meme, or a discussion on Twitter, but they stick a meaningless comment on top of or below the picture that ruins the comedy. First coined by Oz Media on YouTube
Oh no, someone did comedy suicide by writing "Found on Urban Dictionary!!1!!1" on the bottom of it.
Comedy Uncle is like a “Drag Mom” but for a comedian. The term Comedy refers to the practice and wisdom bestowed on the pupil, uncle is referring to the giver of knowledge regardless of gender or relation.
My comedy uncle Xavier, has taught me everything I know about the stand up comedy world.